Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Your Average Indie Flick!

Slumdog Millionaire- 5 (out of five) afro picks!

Ok peeps, this is a flick about the winner of the Hindi version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" a young, bright, but formally uneducated young man from the Mumbai slums named Jamal and played by Indian actor Dev Patel. This indie flick was filmed in Mumbai India and has a gritty feel to the cinemotography so don't expect slick Hollywood special effects in this one. It also has some subtitles but not enough to detract from the action and pace of the movie but just enough to follow the character's lines when they occasionally speak in their native tongue.This one could be called a action/adventure/love story/mystery all in one as it is somewhat akin to the feeling of the oldy but goody "Night of the Hunter" as it follows the travels of two orphaned young boys in india and relates the stories of their journeys to the various questions the one brother gets asked as a contestant on the game show. This one is a story of love and redemption as it shows the sometimes complex and tenuous relationship with Jamal and his older brother as well as the love of his life Latika whom he meets when he is 9 and loves into adulthood. It gives a strong message that there are no coincidences in life. Now don't get it twisted--- this is not your sappy typical romance (ala The Notebook) but this story is full of action and adventure and a good bit of comedy which will keep you intwined in the story until the very end. In fact almost EVERYONE in the show that I attended were still glued to their seats through the very last credit and you will see why when you see this movie ;).I loved this movie! Add it to your list for sure.

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